International Scientific Committee

Rodney White
- Professor of vascular surgery at UCLA
- ISEVS Vice-President
- Past President of the American Society for Vascular Surgery
- Vice-President of ISEVS

Frank Criado
- Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon
- Baltimore, USA
- Former President of ISEVS

Alan Lumsden
- Professor of cardiovascular surgery
- Weill Cornell Medical College; Houston, USA
- Medical Director DeBakey Cardiovascular Disease Center
- Past President of ISEVS

Jude Sauer
- Associate Professor University of Rochester School of Medicine
- President of LSI Solutions New York, USA
- Vascular surgeon

Kak Khee Yeung
- Vascular surgeon
- VU Medical Center
- Amsterdam, Netherlands

Marvin D. Atkins Jr.
- Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeon
- Houston, TX

Sloane T. Guy
- Lecturer on Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Director of Robotic Cardiac Surgery
- Weill Cornell Medicine NewYork Presbyterian Hospital, USA

Karin Sipido
- Professor of cardiology
- University of Leuven, Belgium
- President of the European Commission for Health

Gianmarco de Donato
- Lecturer in Vascular Surgery
- University of Siena, Italy

Elisa Mikus
- Cardiovascular surgeon
- Maria Cecilia Hospital
- Ravenna, Italy

Marius Saines
- Professor of Vascular Surgery
- Inglewood, CA

Peter Lukas Haldenwang
- Cardiothoracic surgeon
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Eric Arnaud-Crozat
- Cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon
- Grenoble, France

Carmine Sessa
- Professor of Vascular Surgery
- Mutualiste Hospital
- Grenoble, France

Claude Vaislic
- Head of Cardiac Surgery, Parly II Hospital
- Paris, France

Todd Vogel
- Head of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
- Vice President of Health Services Research
- University of Missouri, Columbia

Davide Gabbieri
- Heart surgeon
- Modena, Italy

Theodoros M Kratimenos
- Interventional radiologist
- Evangelismos Hospital
- Athens, Greece

Jonathan Bath
- Lecturer in Surgery
- Director of Vascular Surgery
- University of Missouri, Columbia

Jacques Busquet
- Coordinator of the Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
- Val d’Or Hospital
- Paris, France

Petru Liuba
- Lecturer, Lund University, Sweden
- Pediatric interventional cardiology

Alik Farber
- Professor of Vascular Surgery
- Boston University

Martin Malina
- Professor of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
- North West University London, UK

Miklos Bitay
- Lecturer Cardiac Surgery
- University of Szeged, Hungary

Marc P. Sakwa
- Heart surgeon
- Detroit, USA

Bart Meuris
- Heart surgeon
- Leuven, Belgium

Ivo Petrov
- Professor of Cardiology
- Acibadem City Clinic Cardiovascular Hospital
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Interventional cardiologist

Werner Kammeyer
- Clinical specialist and trainer
- Aortic Terumo
- Barcelona, Spain

Adrian Crucean
- Head of Works University of Birmingham
- Congenital cardiac surgery

Grayson H. Wheatley III
- Cardiovascular surgeon
- Nashville, USA

Maarten Truijers
- Vascular surgeon at the VU Medical Center
- Amsterdam, Netherlands

Markus Linz
- Professor of Cardiology
- University of Schleswig-Holstein
- Hiel, Germany

Tzanavaros Ioannis
- Heart surgeon
- Stuttgart, Germany

Amira Benjelloun
- Vascular Surgeon
- Agdal-Rabat, Morocco
- Moroccan and Maghrebian Endovascular Surgery

Jorn Meekel
- Vascular surgeon
- VU Medical Center
- Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vlasis Ninos
- Cardiologist
- St. Hospital Luke. Thessaloniki, Greece